Everything about Donald Trump reminds me of the Ubu Plays by Alfred Jarry. Now, he’s telling supporters he expects to be re-installed as President, via coup, this summer. It’s a very Ubu move. Of course, it’s a grift, to keep the money flowing in from his more extreme supports who are willing to overlook everything that would have to go right for a coup of any type to succeed in the United States. These things would include:
Military support: From leadership on down, the military, currently led by Joe Biden appointees, would have to hand over control to Trump.
Intelligence community support: The president can’t run anything without the intelligence community sharing information or not actively undermining the administration.
Local support: How many governors would defy federal authority if an unelected president declared themselves to be in power?
Economic support: Face it, the economy would collapse. Who would buy Treasury bonds in the face of a successful coup?

I could go on and on but I’ve gone too far. Like Pa Ubu, Trump has no intention of ever following through on this scheme. It’s just a transfer of wealth from his dumbest supporters to his family.